Sunday, 25th of January 2009 at 11:45:25 AM

The Montesas (+Montesitas) Atomic Cafe Munich

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Yesterday we were at the concert of  The Montesas in the Atomic Cafe. A great funny trip with the time machine back to the 50’s. It had been long since our last concert and we enjoyed the evening with a great nonstop performance of this ace German 50’s beatband. I will post some more fotos later on. Just wanted to check if I still succeed in posting a video. Seems to work.

The first photo shows Christiane chatting with Ira, one of the Montesitas. (Click to enlarge)






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Friday, 14th of November 2008 at 05:41:33 PM

Cindy aus Marzahn in Munich

Yesterday we had a funny evening seeing german comedian Cindy aus Marzahn on her Munich performance of her 2008 Germany tour. It was a long time we hadn’t laughed so much and I can recommend her show. We bought our tickets on Ebay cause the show was sold out since weeks.

Cindy in Munich

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Friday, 7th of November 2008 at 11:45:45 PM

FC Bayern München 2008 annual general meeting

After last years scandal on FC Bayerns annual general member meeting (manager Ulli Hoeneß attacked and insulted FC Bayern fans) I decided to visit this years FC Bayern general memmber meeting on Nov 7th 2008. This time no spectacular situations but still a lot of fun and the chance to see Beckenbauer, Rumenigge, Klinsmann, van Bommel etc. from face to face.

FC Bayern München season 2007/2008  successes: German Cup and Meisterschale

The JHV is also always a good chance to meet old friends.

Ex-Bavarian Prime minister Edmund Stoiber.

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Sunday, 18th of February 2007 at 09:47:07 PM

Audrey, Mexican Elvis and Senore Matze Rossi

Working overhours the last three month I had little time to write here. But the nice evening yesterday has to be logged. After a good eat at Villa Flora we went to the Munich Orangehouse to see Audrey, a swedish all female indie band. Beside them two other great bands were playing, Mexican Elvis and Seniore Matze Rossi. A nice evening with lot of music, beer and fun. I bought the Senore Matze Rossi CD for 7 Euros.

Rebecca from Audrey

Rebecca of Audrey

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Wednesday, 11th of October 2006 at 06:53:26 PM

Looking for a cool X-Mas gift? I would like this Wireless Picture-Frame ...


Memory Frame MF-8104 from Digital Spektrum

Hobby Photographer will love this. Instead of a stationery framed paper-photo, view lot of your shots on this small LCD based photoframe with wireless connection to your Home network and to (e.g.) your Flickr-albums. Will surely impress your visitors. But how expensive is it? I Assume too expensive, let’s see. Nevertheless if you have no idea for a X-Mas gift for me: I will like this.

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