Today the rain probability had been forecasted to be 50% in Escalante region. At 7.30 when the BLM Ranger station opened I asked the Rangers advice and they recomended not to hike in the Slot Canyons due to high risk for flashfloods after rain. Therefor I had to cancel my planed Neon Canyon Hike and decided to start my transit to my next basecamp which is Moab (Utah) immediately. My plan was to drive via the Burr trail which is a scenic drive on a partially dirt road. I had enough time and prefered this route compared to the freeway. The weather forecast proved correct: when entering the dirt road part heavy rain began. I was little bit scared the road condition could degrade but luckily all went smooth, I liked especially the long switchbacks down to Long Canyon. The Burrtrail lead me towards Lake Powell and the small recreation area of the Bullfrog basin. I relaxed little bit in Lake Powell where the weather was sunny again. Then I continued my trip in North Eastern direction towards Hanksville with a short stop at the Little Egypt geological site. In my pevious USA trips the Roadtrip part had been always the dominating part. The fascination for the Hikes came later. Therefore this day remembered me a lot to my previous USA trips where I passed a lot of time in the rental car. North of Hanksville another short stop to visit the Goblin Valley State Park. Another heavy storm in the afternoon when I was drivng the US24 towards Greenriver with amazing clouds and fantastic light allowed some nice shots.
I arrived in Moab at around 6pm and using the rest of the evening to inspect the foto locations for my next day visit of the Arches N.P. At last I checked out some Motels and ended up in a mini suite with two rooms and kitchen. I will stay two nights in Moab…. (to be continued)