Sunday, 5th of July 2009 at 01:06:33 PM

my Filmfest München 2009 wrap-up

This year I watched 11 movies on the Filmfest. Never seen so many but after having not been in cinema for month’ and having a quite rainy summer, The Filmfest met me at a receptive moment. The Goldcard further pushed me to take advantage of this one week a year possibility to watch rather unknown indie movies which will never make it to the big screens. Often enough you pick a pearl which is why I like this filmfestivals so much.

Movie   my rating

about two brothers suffering from parental crisis 3 out of 5

The Open Road
about a son who critizes his father not noticing he shows the identical defects 5 out of 5

Two Lovers
Joaquim Phoenix as depressed unhappy suicidal guy falling in love with the wrong girl 4 out of 5

Glamorous Youth
quite boring 130 min movie of HongKong teens daylife 2 out of 5

autistic guy falling in love with his new neighbour 4 out of 5

one man movie about cloned worker on the moon 2 out of 5

violent brutal south corean beatings 2 out of 5

nice romanian low budget movie about a cheating couple meeting a strange young girl during a picnic trip 4 out of 5

Vegas: Based on a true story
nice metaphor on Las Vegas, obsession, hope and the fine line
between an intact life and failure, self destruction.
4 out of 5

One day in a life
boring unrealistic one day at the beach movie, bad acting 1
out of 5

$5 a Day
Christohper Walken pushes the ratring to 3, beside him quite boring story 3 out of 5

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