Monday, 28th of May 2012 at 09:41:40 AM

“Nuovo Cinema Paradiso” Simpson interpretation

I really love this Tornatore movie.

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Saturday, 26th of May 2012 at 07:43:39 PM

my 3rd trip to China

In May 2012 business brought me back to China. In 2010 I visited the first time China and our production facility near HongKong on China mainland. I was really happy to now get again the chance to see China, even if business trips dont give you the freedom you have on private travel. China for me is really fascinating and I love the people I met there and admire their mentality. Being in China is so totally different from any other experience. I enjoyed the 10 days in Zhongshan in the Guangdong province and also had 4 adventures days in HongKong. Of course I did lots of photos, although weather was often not adequate for good fotos. Here only a selection. The complete foto series can be foundon my Homepage in  my Asia trip section

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Saturday, 26th of May 2012 at 05:07:34 PM

Far East Film Festival Udine 2012

2010 and 2011 the Munich Asia Film Festival had been cancelled. I had since 2006 more and more liked this Fimfestival. Not knowing what would happen in 2012 I visited this spring the biggest Asia Fim Festival in Europe which is the “Far East Film Festival” held in Udine, northern Italy. It is always packed with new asian films and special guests. This year Johnnie To presented two own movies and additionally 4 young hongKong Filmmakers which had won prices for the HongKong Fresh Wave contest. I really liked Udine, Triest and theis small but nice FF. Sure will go again there.

Although I was there only 3 days, I watched 10 movies, saw 1 world premiere with Thermae Romane (Japan). The films I liked most was “Rent-a-Kat” (Jap) and “Dangerously Excited” (Kor).


Movie my rating
1+1 (HK Fresh Wave) 3 out of 5
The decisive moment (HK Fresh Wave) 3 out of 5
Sew (HK Fresh Wave) 4 out of 5
July 1st an unhappy day (HK Fresh Wave) 2 out of 5
Dangerously Excited 4 out of 5
Thermae Romane 3 out of 5
Nightfall 3 out of 5
Rent-a-Kat 4 out of 5
You are the apple of my eye 4 out of 5
Moby Dick 3 out of 5


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