Friday, 30th of September 2011 at 07:06:36 PM

the portfolio grows

I finally found the time to extend my Portfolio with my latest USA fotos from the Utah trip in may/june of this year. I created new albums:

Furthermore I added new fotos to the existing albums:

My favourite hikes on this trip were the Coyote Gulch and the Cobra Arch hikes, both represented now by own albums in the Utah section. 


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Wednesday, 14th of September 2011 at 11:46:43 PM

my Utah 2011 foto trip fotos are now online

It took me more than 3 month to sort and filter my 2500 fotos, which I shot during my two week (may/june 2011) foto trip in Utah’s Grandstaircase Escalante N.M. I created a selection of my 50 favourite fotos. Enjoy and dont hesitate to give me feedback. The foto album will open up when clicking on this foto below.

Only somebody fotographing himself can understand what it means to go again and again through 2500 fotos (image size of 10-20MB) and filtering out the best shots. Every single foto is linked with a recall of the specific situation when shoting the foto. Often a technical not valuable foto still bears some memories of a nice trip incident and one is unwilling to reject it. So its is really a pain going again and again thorugh the fotos and reducing the count to a reasonable amount suited to be presented online. Therefore I have a second collection mainly for myself where i have stored all trip locations in a collection of 7 albums with 350 shots. Either from 2500 to 350 or 50, it was really hard work to scan all that material and what i learned for the next time: Dont shoot too many fotos!

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