Wednesday, 30th of May 2007 at 07:11:26 PM

Ready for the Road

Just finished packing my backpack. It’ weighs 7.5 kg which is pretty good considering the common recomandations not to carry more than 10kg for the Camino. I am ready to go. I will switch off my PC and have a nice dinner.   Tomoorow morning 6.30 h I will start my trip with the transfer to the Munich airport. I hope the weather will improve a little bit in Spain cause its too cold and rainy there for may right now. 


 Me final checking my backpack.

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Wednesday, 30th of May 2007 at 07:30:24 AM

I am doing the Camino de Santiago: 200 km (126 miles) on foot; from Villafranca del Bierzo to Santiago de Compostela

200 km (126 miles) on foot. What does it mean?

Some distances:

London – Birmingham      190 km   /118 miles

Los Angeles – San Diego   190 km / 120 miles

Munich – Italian Border   196 km /122 miles

Tomorrow I take a flight to Madrid and from there I go by bus (4.5 h drive) to Ponferrada. I will start my walk on Friday 1° June in Villafranca del Bierzo.

my camino to santiago de compostela

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Monday, 21st of May 2007 at 08:57:39 PM

some more training for Santiago

After doing nothing for weeks today I started my final preparation for the Santiago trip to spain. A wonderful  40 km bike tour along the Bad Tölz Isar Valley and back through typical bavarian small farming villages, through cows, horses and farmers doing their field work. I got lost twice.

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Monday, 7th of May 2007 at 10:01:09 PM

My new bike


Isn’t it beautiful?

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