Sunday, 22nd of October 2006 at 10:00:15 PM

Last mountain hiking tour of 2006

Today was Michaels Schumachers last race in his F1 career (I believe + hope he will come back). I will rememer this day as the day we also made our 2006 seasons last hiking tour in the austrian Rofan mountains near lake Achensee. With Rofanspitze (2259m)-Sagzahn (2228m) and Vorderes Sonnenwendjoch (2224m) we climbed three summits. A nice tour to end 2006 hiking season. 

Rofanspitze (2259 m)

Me at the Rofanspitze (2259 m) summit.

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Monday, 16th of October 2006 at 06:34:04 PM

Guess where is this in Bavaria?

On Flickr, every bigger city has it’s “Guess where xxx” photo group, where people guess about location of posted photos. Guess where is this in Bavaria? I think it’s easy.


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Monday, 16th of October 2006 at 06:25:42 PM

It's getting fall in Munich


photographed this sunday near Lake Starnberg

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Wednesday, 11th of October 2006 at 06:53:26 PM

Looking for a cool X-Mas gift? I would like this Wireless Picture-Frame ...


Memory Frame MF-8104 from Digital Spektrum

Hobby Photographer will love this. Instead of a stationery framed paper-photo, view lot of your shots on this small LCD based photoframe with wireless connection to your Home network and to (e.g.) your Flickr-albums. Will surely impress your visitors. But how expensive is it? I Assume too expensive, let’s see. Nevertheless if you have no idea for a X-Mas gift for me: I will like this.

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