Sunday, 23rd of July 2006 at 02:19:31 PM

Robin Hood and me

Its a long time  I wrote my last post here, but the nice and hot Munich summer has better to offer then sitting at home in front of my PC. Last week I had a business trip to Birmingham and I used the free time to visit also Nottingham, the city of Robin Hood. The foto is made by my colleague Antal at the Nottingham castle showing me with the Robin Hood statue.


Robin Hood statue at Nottingham Castle, Nottingham (England)

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Sunday, 2nd of July 2006 at 10:30:53 PM

Inclined soccer field at the Olympia Park Munich

Saturday 30 of june we visited the Tollwood festival and afterwards we made a walk through the Olympic Parc and the Fan Mile were they showed Portugal winning against England. I do not have much time writing for my BLOG these days. Spending more time in front of TV watching the soccer games than at the PC. Often even to tired then to switch on the PC. Recently hard disk makes strange noises, probably my PC feels neglected?

Inclined soccer field on the Olympic Hill

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