Friday, 24th of March 2006 at 09:58:13 PM

My favourite Photo model

Christiane on the beach of Ispica.

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Friday, 24th of March 2006 at 09:56:03 PM

short visit in sicily

During a short trip to Sicily last weekend, I found this nice symbol for perishableness in life:

A old rotting fisher boat on the beach near Ispica

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Monday, 13th of March 2006 at 07:34:16 PM

Neverending Snow in Munich

Last sunday we had one of the worst blizzards in Munichs history (it was snowing for 24 hours and sunday morning we had about 1/2 meter of fresh snow). Unfortunately it was our turn to remove the snow from our house sidewalks. After 1 h shoveling snow away we had some funny relax on our selfmade snow mountains.

Christiane relaxing in the snow.

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