Monday, 19th of December 2005 at 07:23:15 AM

The Shout out louds in Munich presenting

Saturday evening I probably visited my last live concert in 2005. The swedish guitar-rock band “Shout out louds” was performing in the famous Munich Atomic Cafe club. Intrduction also by a swedish group called “Nervous Nellie” presenting there debut album “don’t think feel”. It was a great evening and I was lucky getting one of the last tickets at the evening cashier, cause it was sold out quickly.

Following a review by Jim Harrington in “Live Daily”:
If every band tagged to be “The Next Big Thing” were to live up to that forecast, well, amphitheaters, arenas and stadiums around the country would be booked solid 365 days a year. Sadly for concert promoters, the vast majority of these acts fall well short of that prediction. The Shout Out Louds are one of the latest acts to wear the crown of hype. The Swedish quintet’s smartly articulate pop sound will surely attract more than its fair share of listeners, but probably not enough to make the indie-pop favorites a crossover smash.
However, there’s simply no getting around the fact that the Shout Out Louds’ glorious debut, “Howl Howl Gaff Gaff,” is an absolute scream. It’s wonderfully melodic and devilishly fun from start to finish. But what makes the album special is the variety of sounds that come from that scream. “Howl Howl Gaff Gaff” basically changes mood and feel with each new song.
The album kicks off with a driving slice of Weezer-esque emo-pop, “The Comeback,” and then rambles into anthem-friendly alt-rock with “Very Loud.” “A Track and a Train” is a cool piece of ’80s new wave rock that would have fit on “The Breakfast Club” soundtrack, and “Go Sadness” is pure lo-fi space rock.
The Shout Out Louds will probably never warrant the title of “The Next Big Thing.” Instead, the band will simply have to settle for being “The Next Good Thing.”

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Saturday, 14th of January 2006 at 02:08:22 PM

Short trip to Las Vegas

For one week I will escape this frosty Munich weather. Just booked a flight to Las Vegas…. I will also rent a car and drive around in the dessert a little bit. That’s something I really like: USA, renting a car, sitting in and driving in this beautiful landscapes of the southwest. Just set up with Las Vegas weather as my browser startpage. What I also enjoy very much: planing the trip: booking flight and hotels, renting car, making my trip day to day schedule. Christiane remains at home. She doesn’t see any sense travelling for one single week from Europe to USA, especially not to Las Vegas. Sometimes a man must go his own way 🙂 . Of course I will miss her, because on our last vacation in USA in 2004 (4 weeks in Nevada, California, Arizona and Utah) we had a great time together.

During our january 2004 trip we visited Las Vegas: we enjoyed staying at the Flamingo Hotel .

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Tuesday, 7th of February 2006 at 09:01:04 PM

Back from Nevada

Sunday afternoon I returned from my 8-day trip to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. I am still struggling with Jet-Lag (9 h difference between Munich and Las Vegas). After long time not writing to my Blog I will try to freeze some of my still warm travel impressions in a travellog. Craig Thompson known for his graphic novell “Blankets” recently released a new graphic novell named “Carnet de Voyage”. I will borrow this name for my Travel-BLOG.
“Carnet de Voyage”: Escaping for 8 days from freezing Germany. Of course I have used the trip for photographing and will post some shots too.

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Tuesday, 7th of February 2006 at 09:14:25 PM

Carnet de Voyage, Day 1: Friday JAN 27 2006

After 12 h flight from Munich to San Francisco I had to wait another two hours for my connecting flight to Las Vegas and first surprise when fetching my Rental Car: My booked compact size car was out: I got an free upgrade to a 235 H.P. strong V6 motorized Hyunday Sonnata: A real rocket for me who is used to drive a 100 H.P. Audi A3. That was a great receiption. Very tired after nearly 30 hours without bed, I arrived in my first hotel, the Las Vegas Hilton. First bad surprise when taking my baggage out of the car I noticed that my rental car did not have any licence plates neither on front nor on rear. Got quite a little bit nervous because I already was ready to fall into bed (1.00 h am local time, 10.00 am in Munich next day). After Hotel check-in I made call to rental car agency and they tranquilized me: Thats normal for new cars, they have a temporary permit in the windshield. I dropped into bed. First day with happy end.

Me and the Hyundai Sonnata V6.
See the complete Photo series of this trip on my Homepage

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Wednesday, 8th of February 2006 at 07:04:26 PM

Carnet de Voyage Day 2: Sat January 28 2006

After a short uneasy night I woke up early about 7.00 am and couldn’t stay in bed any longer. My plan for this first day was not to drive to much and adapt to the time difference. Starting with a good breakfast in one of Las Vegas’s famous breakfast buffets couldnt’t be wrong. I have been there before, and the Bellaggio and Aladdin Hotel Buffets are my favourites and so I parked my car in the Bellagio Hotel and spontaneously decided to take the Aladdin Breakfast Buffet. Three cups of coffee, Orange juice, toasted Bagel with salmon and a great collection of fruit: melon, pineapple, cantalupe and ultra red and sweet strawberries (they must have been genetically engineered, so good looking). Being there on upper strip I took a walk through the desert passage of the Aladdin (an inside open-air shopping passage with oriental stylish), and also a walk into the Bellaggio Hotel to see the botanical gardens with its elaborate arrangements of plants and flowers in its bright, airy atrium, decorated with red lanterns to celebrate the Chinese New Year (and a very big and trashy barking dog puppet, representating the starting chinese year of the dog). The area with Aladdin, Bellaggio and the Bellaggio lake and the Paris Hotel Eifeltower and Ballon is my favourite location on the strip. So I enjoyed also a walk outside along the strip.
Having been two time in Las Vegas before but never had time to check out the Hotel attractions I decided to go to South strip and have a look inside the Mandaly Bay, the Luxor and the Excalibur Hotels. I liked most the Luxor, with its inclinator elevators and its gigantic Atrium.

Viewing from Excalibur Hotel towards MGM.

Late afternoon my plan was to drive around a little bit in the side streets of the strip like Tropicana Avenue and Warm springs Avenue and doing some practical things like going to a supermarket (Albertsons) and filling my car trunk with diet coke and water bottles for the weeks stay. Going inside supermarket abroad is always an interesting experience for me, you see so many things you don’t have at your place. Finally I used this first day to indulge my passion of graphic novel collecting. I checked out two american Comic book shops which I have selected in Internet before starting my trip. And fortunately COSMIC COMICS at 3330 EAST TROPICANA was absolutely great and had a never seen collection of graphic novels. Very quick I had to stop shopping as I had reached the 100 USD limit I had set myself and the weight of the books had to be taken into consideration too. The rest of the evening I drove around visiting the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino and the Las Vegas Hofbräuhaus, having some quick eat and then heading back to Las Vegas Hilton and my bed hoping for a better second night.

See the complete Photo series of this trip on my Homepage

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